講道錄像 講道錄像存檔 2020 2019-12-29 講題:忘記背後,努力面前 Title: Forgetting Those Things Which Are Behind, Reaching Forth To Those Things Which Are Before 經文:腓立比書 3:12-14 Scripture: Philippians 3: 12-14 2019-12-22 講題:佳音 Title: Good News 經文: 路加福音 2:8-17 Scripture: Luke 2: 8-17 2019-12-15 講題:切切呼求 神的同在 Title: Cries to Lord Being Present 經文:以賽亞書 7: 10-14, 55: 6-9 Scripture: Isiah 7: 10-14, 55: 6-9 2019-12-01 講題:上告該撒及教訓 Title: Appealed to Caesar and Lessons 經文: 使徒行傳 26:30-32 Scripture: Acts 26: 30-32 2019-11-24 講題:何等恩典 Title: What A Grace 經文:約翰福音 3: 16-18, 8: 3-11 Scripture: John: 3: 16-18, 8: 3-11 2019-11-17 講題:無懼風浪,仰望耶穌 Title: Fearless of Storms, Look Up To Jesus 經文: 馬太 14: 22-33 Scripture: Matthew 14: 22-33 2019-10-27 講題:睜眼看,側耳聽 Title: My eyes will be open, my ears awake 經文: 歷代志下 7:14-15 Scripture: Chronicles 7: 14-15 2019-10-20 講題:活水的江河 Title: Rivers of Living Water 經文: 約翰 6:37-39;以西結書 47:1-12;哥林多前書 6:19 Scripture: John 6:37-39; Ezekiel 47:1-12; 1 Corinthians 6: 19 2018-10-14 講題:宣教的中國 by Minister Todd Entner Title: Ministry of China 首頁 關於教會 教會資訊 日曆 教會生活聯絡我們 查城華人基督教會 一個追求真理和生命的大家庭.