主日講道錄音 2018年 講道錄音存檔 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2018-12-30 講題:雅比斯的禱告 Title: Jabez’s prayer 經文:歷代志上 4: 9-10 Scripture: Chronicles 4: 9-10 由 Pastor Timothy Li (李天峰牧師) | Sermons 2018 https://www.cccctn.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/2018-12-30.mp3 2018-12-23 講題:卑微的嬰孩,榮耀的君王 Title: Humble Baby, Glorious King 經文:路加福音 2: 8-17 Scripture: Luke 2: 8-17 由 Pastor Timothy Li (李天峰牧師) | Sermons 2018 https://www.cccctn.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/2018-12-23.mp3 2018-12-16 講題:在爭戰中持守恩慈的心 Title: Holding the Kind and Graceful Heart in the Battle 經文:撒母耳記上 30: 21-25 Scripture: I Samuel 30: 21-25 由 Pastor Timothy Li (李天峰牧師) | Sermons 2018 https://www.cccctn.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/2018-12-16.mp3 2018-12-02 講題:神所揀選的器皿 – 保羅 Title: A Vessel Selected By Lord – Paul 經文:使徒行傳 9: 10-22 Scripture: Acts 9: 10-22 由 Pastor Timothy Li (李天峰牧師) | Sermons 2018 https://www.cccctn.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/2018-12-02.mp3 2018-11-25 講題:在失敗中經歷恩典的門徒 – 彼得 Title: The Disciple Who Received the Lord’s Grace Through His Failure – Peter 經文:路加福音 5:1-11 Scripture: Luke 5: 1-11 由 Pastor Timothy Li (李天峰牧師) | Sermons 2018 https://www.cccctn.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/2018-11-25.mp3 2018-11-18 講題:恩上加恩 Title: Grace to Grace 經文:約 翰 福 音 1: 16-17;帖 撒 羅 尼 迦 前 書 5: 18 Scripture: John 1: 16-17; I Thessalonians 5: 18 由 Pastor Lianguang Zhang (張聯光牧師) | Sermons 2018 https://www.cccctn.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/2018-11-18.mp3 2018-11-11 講題:舍命的代禱勇士-以斯帖 Title: Fearless Intercession Prayer Warrior – Esther 經文:以斯帖记 3:7 – 4:17 Scripture: Esther 3:7 – 4:17 由 Pastor Timothy Li (李天峰牧師) | Sermons 2018 https://www.cccctn.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/2018-11-11.mp3 2018-11-04 講題:我與基督的教會 Title: I and Church of Christ 經文:哥林多前書 10: 16-17;12: 13-14; 以弗所書 1: 23 Scripture: I Corithians 10: 16-17;12: 13-14; Ephesians 1: 23 由 Pastor Timothy Li (李天峰牧師) | Sermons 2018 https://www.cccctn.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/2018-11-04.mp3 2018-10-28 講題:忠實的守望者-但以理 李天峰 牧師主講 Title: Faithful Watchman – Daniel 經文:但以理書 9: 1-21 Scripture: Daniel 9: 1-21 2018-10-21 講題:同心合意 興旺福音 Title: Fellowship in the Gospel 經文:腓立比書 1: 1-11 Scripture: Philippians 1: 1-11 由 Pastor Paul Xu (徐保羅牧師) | Sermons 2018 https://www.cccctn.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/2018-10-20.mp3 2018-10-07 講題:新與舊 Title: New and Old Lift 經文:馬太福音 9: 16-17 Scripture: Matthew 9: 16-17 由 Pastor Timothy Li (李天峰牧師) | Sermons 2018 https://www.cccctn.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/2018-10-07.mp3 2018-09-30 講題:以色列的戰車馬兵–以利亞 Title: Israel’s Chariot and Horseman – Elijah 經文:列王紀下 2: 1-12 Scripture: II Kings 2: 1-12 由 Pastor Timothy Li (李天峰牧師) | Sermons 2018 https://www.cccctn.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/2018-09-30.mp3 2018-09-23 講題:被提 Title: Be Lift 經文:帖撒羅尼迦前書 4:15-18 Scripture: I Thessalonians 4:15-18 由 Pastor Timothy Li (李天峰牧師) | Sermons 2018 https://www.cccctn.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/2018-09-23.mp3 2018-09-16 講題:合神心意的人-大衛 Title: A Man of God’s Heart 經文:撒母耳記上 13: 13-14;使徒行傳 13: 22 Scripture: I Samuel 13: 13-14; Acts 13: 22 由 Pastor Timothy Li (李天峰牧師) | Sermons 2018 https://www.cccctn.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/2018-09-16.mp3 2018-09-09 講題:轉化時代的器皿-撒母耳 Title: A Vessel of Changing the Era – Samuel 經文:撒母耳記上 3: 19-21; 7: 2-6 Scripture: I Samuel 3: 19-21; 7: 2-6 由 Pastor Timothy Li (李天峰牧師) | Sermons 2018 https://www.cccctn.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/2018-09-09.mp3 2018-09-02 講題:巾帼英雄:底波拉 Title: Heroine Deborah 經文:士師記 4: 1-10 Scripture: Judges 4: 1-10 2018-08-26 講題:專心跟從神的人: 迦勒 Title: A Man of Following Lord Fully – Caleb 經文:約書亞記 14: 6-15 Scripture: Joshua 14: 6-15 由 Pastor Timothy Li (李天峰牧師) | Sermons 2018 https://www.cccctn.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/2018-08-26.mp3 2018-08-19 講題:承接使命的領袖-約書亞 Title: A Leader of Undertaking the Mission – Joshua 經文:民數記 27: 15-23 Scripture: Numbers 27: 15-23 由 Pastor Timothy Li (李天峰牧師) | Sermons 2018 https://www.cccctn.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/2018-08-19.mp3 2018-08-12 講題:依靠神,不羞愧 徐保羅牧師主講 Title: Trust In Lord, Not Be Shamed 經文:詩篇 25篇 Scripture: Psalms 25 2018-08-05 講題:空前絕後的領袖:摩西 Title: A Man with Unprecedented Leadership – Moses 經文:出埃及記 33: 11; 申命記 34: 10-12 Scripture: Exodus 33: 11; Deuteronomy 34: 10-12 由 Pastor Timothy Li (李天峰牧師) | Sermons 2018 https://www.cccctn.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/2018-08-05.mp3 2018-07-29 講題:撒該歸主 Title: Zacchaeus Turned to Lord 經文:路加福音 19: 2-10 Scripture: Luke 19: 2-10 由 Pastor Timothy Li (李天峰牧師) | Sermons 2018 https://www.cccctn.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/2018-07-29.mp3 2018-07-22 講題:將逆境轉為榮耀的約瑟 Title: Joseph of Changing Adversity Into Glory 經文:創世記 45: 1-15 Scripture: Genesis 45: 1-15 由 Pastor Timothy Li (李天峰牧師) | Sermons 2018 https://www.cccctn.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/2018-07-22.mp3 2018-07-15 講題:愛中彼此建立 Title: Building Up One Another In Love 經文:以弗所書 4:11-16 Scripture: Ephesians 4: 11-16 由 Pastor Lianguang Zhang (張聯光牧師) | Sermons 2018 https://www.cccctn.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/2018-07-15.mp3 2018-07-08 講題:最有信心的財主-亞伯拉罕 Title: The Most Faithful Rich Person – Abraham 經文:創世記 12: 1-4, 13: 5-18, 24: 1-9 Scripture: Genesis 12: 1-4, 13: 5-18, 24: 1-9 由 Pastor Timothy Li (李天峰牧師) | Sermons 2018 https://www.cccctn.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/2018-07-08.mp3 2018-07-01 講題:為將來預備的使命者 Title: A Missionary for the Future 經文:創世記 6: 5-22 Scripture: Genesis 6: 5-22 由 Pastor Timothy Li (李天峰牧師) | Sermons 2018 https://www.cccctn.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/CCCC-Sermon-2018-07-01.mp3 2018-06-24 講題:耶和華尼西:耶和華是我的旌旗 Title: Jehovah-nissi – Lord Is Our Flag 經文:出埃及記 17:8-16 Scripture: Exodus 17:8-16 由 Pastor Timothy Li (李天峰牧師) | Sermons 2018 https://www.cccctn.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/2018-06-24.mp3 2018-06-17 講題:以迴轉的心呼求 神 Title: Turn to Cry for God 經文:以賽亞書 64: 1-12 Scripture: Isaiah 64: 1-12 由 Pastor Timothy Li (李天峰牧師) | Sermons 2018 https://www.cccctn.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/2018-06-17.mp3 2018-06-10 講題:最後一次的呼求與得勝 Title: The Last Cry and Victory 經文:士師記 16: 28-31 Scripture: Judges 16: 28-31 由 Pastor Timothy Li (李天峰牧師) | Sermons 2018 https://www.cccctn.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/2018-06-10-Last-Cry-and-Victory.mp3 2018-06-03 講題:耶穌的神性與人性 Title: Jesus’s Natures of God and Human Being 經文:以賽亞書 9:6;約翰福音 16:13-14,17:1-5; 腓立比書 2:6-11 Scripture: Isaiah 9:6; Johns 16: 13-14; 17: 1-5; Philippians 2: 6-11 由 Pastor Timothy Li (李天峰牧師) | Sermons 2018 https://www.cccctn.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/CCCC-2018-06-03-Jesuss-natures-of-God-and-Human-Being.mp3 2018-05-27 講題:他被離棄,我被接納 Title: He Was Forsaken, I Am Accepted 經文:馬太福音 27:46 Scripture: Matthew: 27:46 由 Pastor Timothy Li (李天峰牧師) | Sermons 2018 https://www.cccctn.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/2018-05-27.mp3 2018-05-20 講題:建立蒙福家庭 Title: Building A Blessed Family 經文:歌羅西書 3:18-19;以弗所書 4:31-32 Scripture: Colossians: 3:18-19;Ephesians 4:31-32 由 Pastor Lianguang Zhang (張聯光牧師) | Sermons 2018 https://www.cccctn.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/2018-05-20.mp3 2018-04-08 講題:作主門徒, 彼此相愛 Title: Become Lord’s Disciples, Love Each Other 經文:約翰福音 13: 34-35 Scripture: John 13: 34-35 由 Pastor Paul Xu (徐保羅牧師) | Sermons 2018 https://www.cccctn.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/2018-04-08.mp3 2018-04-01 講題:主耶穌復活了 Title: Jesus Is Risen 經文:馬太福音 28:1-10 Scripture: Matthew: 28:1-10 由 Pastor Timothy Li (李天峰牧師) | Sermons 2018 https://www.cccctn.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/2018-04-01.mp3 2018-03-25 講題:靈命成長(三) 每日與主靈交 Title: Growth of Spiritual Life (3): Communicate with God in Our Daily Spiritual Lives 經文:雅各書 4:8 Scripture: James 4:8 由 Pastor Timothy Li (李天峰牧師) | Sermons 2018 https://www.cccctn.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/2018-03-25.mp3 2018-03-18 講題:靈命的成長(二) 靈命成長的目的 Title: Growth of Spiritual Life (1): The Purpose of Growing Spriritual Life 經文:哥林多后書 4:16-17 Scripture: 2 Corinthians 4:16-17 由 Pastor Timothy Li (李天峰牧師) | Sermons 2018 https://cccctn.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/2018-3-18.mp3 2018-03-11 講題:靈命的成長 (一) 認識靈命操練的必要性 Title: Growth of Spiritual Life (1): The Necessity of Knowing How to Practice Our Spiritual Lives 約翰福音 6:63; 提摩太前書 4:8; 約翰一書 5:12 Scripture: John: 6:63; I Timothy 4:8; 1 John 5:12 由 Pastor Timothy Li (李天峰牧師) | Sermons 2018 https://cccctn.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/2018-3-11.mp3 2018-03-04 講題:遇見耶和華軍隊的元帥 (三) 重整與上帝的關係 Title: Saw the Commander of the Lord’s Army (3): Encounter Adjust Our Relationship with God 經文:約書亞記 5:15 Scripture: Joshua 5:15 由 Pastor Timothy Li (李天峰牧師) | Sermons 2018 https://cccctn.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/2018-3-4.mp3 2018-02-25 講題:祝福的力量 Title: The Power of Blessing 經文:路加福音 6:27-28 Scripture: Luke 6:27-28 由 Pastor Timothy Li (李天峰牧師) | Sermons 2018 https://cccctn.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/2018-2-25.mp3 2018-02-18 講題:得著丰盛的生命 Title: Obtain the Abundant Life 經文:约翰福音 6:35; 10:10 Scripture: John: 6:35; 10:10 由 Pastor Timothy Li (李天峰牧師) | Sermons 2018 https://cccctn.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/2018-2-18.mp3 2018-01-28 講題:遇見耶和華軍隊的元帥(二)降服在上帝的主權下 Title: Saw the Commander of the Lord’s Army (2) Surrender Under God’s Sovereignty 經文:約書亞記 5:14 Scripture: Joshua 5:14 由 Pastor Timothy Li (李天峰牧師) | Sermons 2018 https://cccctn.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/2018-1-28.mp3 2018-01-21 講題:我與教會 Title: My Relationship with Church 經文:彼得前書 2:4-5 Scripture: 1 Peter 2:4-5 由 Pastor Lianguang Zhang (張聯光牧師) | Sermons 2018 https://cccctn.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/2018-1-21.mp3 2018-01-14 講題:遇見耶和華軍隊的元帥(一):抓住上帝同在的應許 Title: Saw the Commander of the Lord’s Army (1): Hold God’s Promise of Being Present with Us 經文:約書亞記 5:13-15 Scripture: Joshua 5:13-15 由 Pastor Timothy Li (李天峰牧師) | Sermons 2018 https://cccctn.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/2018-1-14.mp3 2018-01-07 講題:全然潔凈, 全然更新 Title: Become Pure and Clean Completely, Become New Completely 經文:約書亞記 5:2-12 Scripture: Joshua 5:2-12 由 Pastor Timothy Li (李天峰牧師) | Sermons 2018 https://cccctn.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/2018-1-7.mp3 首頁 關於教會 教會資訊 日曆 教會生活聯絡我們 查城華人基督教會 一個追求真理和生命的大家庭.